Why did you write second editions of your books?
We’ve all been told not to judge a book by its cover, but we all do. We love our original covers, but they drew in the younger middle-grade audience more than upper middle-grade readers. As our series progresses, we need covers that more accurately portray the reading level of our books and reach our intended audience. Now that we have rebranded The Golden Wizard and The Alamist Queen, we're excited to more forward with the series.
When will the second book, The Alamist Queen, be released?
The second edition of The Alamist Queen is now available!
What if I already own the first editions?
Hold on to them as collectibles! Someday we hope you’ll be able to say you were an early supporter of J.S. Jaeger and your friends will be really impressed!
And check your emails. We’ve sent out information on how original supporters can get a discounted copy of the second edition. No email? Shoot us a message and let us know your favorite part of The Golden Wizard or The Alamist Queen (or a picture of the first editions you have) and we’ll send you a code.
How can I get my own copy of the Scrolls of Zndaria?
Print copies are available through Amazon and our website. Ebooks are available through most major providers. Follow this link to find them your favorite online store!
You can also request it through your library. Ask your librarian how to do this or have them contact us directly!
So what’s the difference between the first and second editions?
In addition to new covers, we’re excited to share new chapters and expanded storylines to give our readers a fuller experience and deeper connection to the world of Zndaria.
But what about book three?
We know readers are excited to get ahold of book three, The Rogue. We spent a lot of time debating if it was worth delaying its release for the rebranding and decided we wanted to move forward on the right track. The creative draft and first rework of The Rogue are complete. If everything goes as planned, The Rogue will be released by September 2025.
Will you come to my school?
We love doing author visits! Check out our Meet J.S. Jaeger page for more details about visits or reach out to us directly!